You wake up every morning feeling bland, indifferent, like your stagnating.
You start to get excited about the day and then your heart sinks when you realize that you need to work inside today when you really want to go and have "fun in the sun" and pursue goals in your favorite sport or passion.
You are missing your place in the world and crave to live differently; with freedom, purpose and joy.
You would love to jump into the unknown sea of adventure where you are discovering new people, new realities and a part of yourself that got lost in the pursuit of "success".
There is a life waiting for you in which you read the signs of nature, your body, your intuition in order to confidently move towards your ideal lifestyle such as travel, adventure, mountain pursuits, creative expression, refining new skills and testing your limits in sports.
You dream of a life where you spend less time worrying about little things and more time sharing adventures with like minded friends.
I am an expert in helping you to:
1. Zoom out and get clearer on your purpose, passion and who you really are.
2. Igniting your flame for life.
3. Get powerfully connected with your inner sage, and use it to intercept the voices that tell you this change will not work.
4. Build your confidence to become the bad ass woman you know that you are.
4. Hold you accountible to take the steps towards this ideal life.
My unique talent is to listen at such a deep level that you are able to hear your own brilliance.
I'm a CPCC, which means that I have done alot of training and coaching.
If you would like more bad-assness in your life then I invite you for a complimentary Discover The Bad Ass You session.